Kirchdorf/Haag, April 26, 2021 – The global solar mounting manufacturer Schletter Group has been given the go-ahead for one of Europe’s biggest solar projects: The company is supplying the mounting systems for the “Gottesgabe” and “Alttrebbin” solar parks in eastern Brandenburg, each of which has an output of 150 MWp. The two plants are part of a regional solar cluster built by the German energy company EnBW with a total output of around 500 MWp.
“Projects of this size play an important part in driving forward the expansion of renewable energies in Germany with competitive solar power”, emphasized Sven Höpfner, Key Account Manager at Schletter Group. Both projects are being built by EnBW without government subsidies. “We are pleased to be involved and to be able to demonstrate our efficiency as a system partner for large-scale projects worldwide once again.” Delivery of the Schletter mounting systems is due to begin this April.
In the coming months, around 700,000 modules will be installed over a construction area of around 250 hectares (125 ha in Alttrebbin, 122 ha in Gottesgabe). Schletter’s “FS Duo” open area system will be used for assembly. Because of its very short installation time and large spans, the twin-post system is particularly economical and yet still offers excellent durability and a high load-bearing capacity. The assembly tables are anchored in the ground with pile-driven foundations.
The operator, EnBW, intends to start operating the two solar parks at the end of 2021. Once completed, their combined output is expected to be around 300 gigawatt hours of electricity a year – enough to supply around 90,000 households with energy. This means a CO₂ saving of around 200,000 tons a year. Together with the nearby 187 MW large EnBW solar park at Weesow-Wilmersdorf – Germany’s biggest solar park to date – they will in future form a solar cluster with a total output of almost 500 MWp. Together, all three projects will be able to supply around 140,000 households with environmentally friendly solar power.
The Schletter Group is one of the leading manufacturers in the world of photovoltaic mounting systems made of aluminium and steel. The Group manufactures mounting systems for roofs, façades and open areas (solar farms). With an international network of production, distribution and service companies, the Schletter Group is active in all important international markets.